Saturday, July 31, 2010


Ever since Orion got stung by one, I've been scared of jellyfish. Yesterday, I was going out for a swim and the water got super murky. I mean, you can't even see to the bottom. Then I realized that there are jellyfish are around here. And if I ran into one, I wouldn't have known until it stung me. I got out of the water. Maybe somewhere else will be a place to jump off the bow.

--by Rigel

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The far away...

...bottom of the sea. Like the bottom of the boat, I don't like the bottom. Maybe it's because it's far away. I don't know. To make it worse, here there is a piece of a wreck. It looks like part of a bow. I really don't want to know. Well, I'm starting to be OK with it.
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Sunday, July 11, 2010

The looming...

This is a little bit embarrassing for me, but I'm afraid of the bottom of the boat. I know, That's weird, but The shape of the keel, rudder, propeller, and propeller cage together creates a looming sight. It would help if we chose red bottom-paint instead of black. Now, when I see it, This is what happens in my brain:

Subconsciousness: A monster!
Conscious: It is not! It's just the Boat.
Subconsciousness: It will hurt me!
Conscious: It won't! I know it won't! The boat from the top looks nice, but this is the same thing! Just a different angle!
Subconsciousness: Stupid Conscious.

So please don't make fun!


Questo è un po 'imbarazzante per me, ma ho paura di fondo della barca. So che è strano, ma la forma della chiglia, timone, elica, elica e la gabbia insieme crea uno spettacolo incombente. Sarebbe utile se abbiamo scelto rosso dal basso invece di vernice nera. Ora, quando la vedo io, questo è ciò che accade nel mio cervello:

Subconscio: Un mostro!
Cosciente: non lo è! E 'solo la barca.
Subconscio: E mi farà del male!
Consapevole: Non sarà! So che non sarà! La barca dall'alto sembra piacevole, ma questa è la stessa cosa! Solo una prospettiva diversa!
Subconscio: Consapevole Stupid.

Quindi per favore non prendere in giro!


Isto é um pouco embaraçoso para mim, mas tenho medo do fundo do barco. Eu sei que é estranho, mas a forma de quilha, leme, hélice, hélice e gaiola junto cria um espetáculo iminente. Seria útil se nós escolhemos fundo vermelho em vez de tinta preta. Agora, quando eu vejo, é isso que acontece no meu cérebro:

Subconsciente: Um monstro!
Consciente: não é! É apenas o barco.
Subconsciente: Vai me machucar!
Consciente: Não seja! Eu sei que vai! O barco bonito de cima, mas esta é a mesma coisa! Apenas uma perspectiva diferente!
Subconsciente: Stupid Aware.

Por favor, não tease!


C'est un peu gênant pour moi, mais je crains que le fond de la barque.Je sais que c'est étrange, mais la forme de la quille, le gouvernail, l'hélice, l'hélice et de la cage crée ainsi un spectacle imminent. Il serait utile que nous avons choisi un fond rouge au lieu d'encre noire.Maintenant, quand je vois, c'est ce qui arrive dans mon cerveau:

Subconscient: un monstre!
Consciente: il n'est pas! C'est juste le bateau.
Subconscient: Allez à me faire mal!
Aware: Ne soyez pas! Je sais que je vais! Le beau bateau d'en haut, mais c'est la même chose! Juste un point de vue différent!
Subconscient: Consciente Stupid.

S'il vous plaît ne pas taquiner!

--By Rigel

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Ultimate Explosion III

Have another!

You know what? I think that I've got the hang of this.

The Ultimate Explosion II

This is the next one!

In case you're wondering, this was very difficult to make. You don't know how hard it was.